
Conspiracies have plagued the world since the very dawn of time, gripping people through fear, outrage, or confusion. As in many cases, gossip can arise out of historical or current events which beg the common how, what, and why questions. These questions then morph into hypothetical answers, backed up by one part truth and the rest speculation. Instantly, these theories hit the masses by word of mouth or, most commonly in the 21st century, print and the internet. This is known as a Conspiracy Theory. In most cases, a Conspiracy Theory is said to be a ploy by a person or a group (known as the Conspirators) in which the main goal is to mislead and/or control a cluster of people, small or large (known as the Dupes). To the dismay of the Conspirators, their secrets can be uncovered and revealed by a person or group known as the Investigators, exposing the alleged truth to those involved and, most importantly, the Dupes. In today’s society, there are millions of conspiracies floating through the worldwide-web, begging for the attention and consequent action of the masses. Three such Conspiracy Theories revolve around Keanu Reeves, the Denver International Airport, and Charlie Chaplin’s 1928 movie, “The Circus.”

Keanu Reeves is an American film actor who has made it to the Big Screen is movies such as the Matrix. While many agree on his talent as an actor, some cannot seem to overlook his dashingly ever-young looks. Allegedly, Keanu Reeves drinks from the fountain of youth. This conspiracy has sprung up from a single video placed on YouTube which shows Reeves’ young features from his early camera debut to his current movie days. The video then speculates, by showing side-by-side comparisons, that Keanu Reeves shares a striking resemblance with many historical figures, stating that they are really his secret identities. As for the reason for Keanu Reeves’ immortality, many have come up with theories of their own such as we are all living inside the Matrix and Keanu Reeves writes the code for his own avatar, Keanu Reeves is not from planet Earth, the secret to eternal life is to never show facial expressions, or Keanu Reeves is indeed a vampire. Pick your poison.

The Denver International Airport has been under speculation ever since it was built in 1972. Murals, engravings, and the building process itself have lead many to believe that this airport is directly connected to the New World Order. DIA was first built “incorrectly,” the five structures deemed entirely lost. Instead of demolition, contractors built over their “mistake,” leaving miles of “unused” underground space. Today, the buildings of the Denver International Airport resemble the shape of a swastika, a direct connection to Hitler’s attempt to control the world. Inside the DIA, there are murals in which many believe to be depictions of the events of the New World Order including mass genocide, chaos, uprising, and an end result of world peace. Lastly, there are engravings which commemorate the New World Airport Commission, a supposal government cooperation that does not actually exist. The Conspiracy Theories of the Denver International Airport are unsolved and have eluded and confused many.

In Charlie Chaplin’s 1928 film, “The Circus”, a woman walks by embracing an object up to her ear. She was chatting away into this rectangular mass as if she were sharing the Daily Buzz with a close friend. Many argue that she was using an ear trumpet, a hearing aid used from the mid to the 19th century. Although, the general consensus is that the woman is holding a cell phone. This operation, however, is clearly impossible, seeing as technology such as cell phones weren’t invented until the early 1970s and cell phone towers were only a glimmer in the eye of the future. Irish filmmaker George Clarke, who discovered this peculiar scene, insists that the woman in the film is a time-traveler. He describes that the shape of the object she is holding is a modern cell phone and that this woman is floating through space and time, a time traveler stuck caught in the act in a scene of “The Circus.”

While finding material on these three Conspiracy Theories, one may notice a pattern: all of the information is found on some sort of social networking site. Most of the video can be found on YouTube and blogs are the culprit for publishing and the creation of an effective forum which can be used for the discussion of Conspiracy Theories. For example, information concerning the Denver International Airport Conspiracy Theory can be at Metcafe.com. Metcafe is one of the world’s largest video sites, hosting many people ranging from aspiring film producers to the casual video made by a stay-at-home mother. Although, Metcafe is not like every other video sharing and hosting system; according to their About Us page, the videos undergo constant screening based on specific criteria, ensuring the acute accuracy and audience value of each video. This is one of many examples of how social networking lends a hand to the creation, circulation, and evolution of Conspiracy Theories. Never before has a medium been so effective, so pertinent and immediate. Never before has the world’s most hidden, darkest, and deepest secrets been at the very reach of your fingertips.