Keanu Reeves is Immortal

Most of you will know Mr. Reeves as an American film actor who has played in many movies, such as The Matrix. This conspiracy has sprung up from a single video placed on Youtube showing how Reeves has seemed to not age since his early movie days until now and show historical figures that look like him, stating they are really his secret identities. While this would seem ridiculous to most, it still has a large popularity amongst it. We chose this one because of how popular it is with little evidence. The only tangible piece of evidence is a Youtube video that compares pictures of historical figures and their likeness to Reeves. While this single video is short and contains little facts, the popularity of this idea has exploded in popularity from a single video on a social site. 

In this photo we see how after 14 years Reeves has not aged a single bit. He is as young and youthful as he has ever been.  

In this photo we see that Reeves is almost identical to Paul Mounet. Could he have really been Paul Mounet? 

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