Annotations of Sources


Cell Phone Time Traveler from 1928?

This article introduces the man who noticed this strange scene in a 1928
Charlie Chaplin film, “The Circus”. The man, George Clarke, was watching the behind the scenes feature o this film and noticed something odd: A women seemed to be talking on a cell phone. This would mean the woman was a time traveler as there were no cell phone in 1928. The articles author, Choney, interviewed George who noticed the scene and talked to him about how this sighting spread and evolved.
Choney also lists other opinions of the film from other sources; it
could be a hearing aid or she’s protecting her face from the sun. This
article relates to our topic because it discusses the
origin of the topic and follows with different opinions.


Charlie Chaplin's cell phone: A time-traveler caught on tape?

This article is extremely credible because it provides a home video created
by George Clark, the man who discovered the scene. The point of the
video is to convince the viewers that the woman in Charlie Chaplin’s
film is a time traveler. (See above) This article also shares that millions of
viewers have considered the woman an alien as well. This is a
significant article because it shows proof; George Clark is introduced
in this story along with his video with a few other comments from the
millions of viewers.This shows us how viewer's ideas can help not only spread an idea such as this, but help evolve it with other theories and speculations.


Charlie Chaplin Time Travel Mystery Solved?

This article furthers on the "Time Traveler Conspiracy" that was talked about in the above two sources. What makes this another great source for the conspiracy is this is directly from the founder of the consipracy, George Clarke. In this, he shows a picture of what he thinks the woman is using in the Charlie Chaplin movie, "The Circus". It is a video of George explaining his theory and follows with a picture of a hearing device used at the time when The Circus was made. This is a direct interaction between the founder of a conspiracy and his followers as they commented whether of not they agreed and furthered with more theories and speculation. This show how well a conspiracy can move outside the initial source and how others will continue to believe their way even after the original source of the conspiracy changes his viewpoint and explains it so well.


Some Keanu Reeves Facts

This next annotation is for a source on another conspiracy: The conspiracy that Keanu Reeves is immortal. Most of you will know Mr. Reeves as an American film actor who has played in many movies, such as The Matrix. This conspiracy has sprung up from a single video placed on Youtube showing how Reeves has seemed to not age since his early movie days until now and show historical figures that look like him, stating they are really his secret identities. This sources adds a lot to our theory that social media helps drastically evolve conspiracies because it contains a short article that explains the conspiracy through photos and text, but what really makes it interesting is the fact it has an added comments section. Though this source is simply stating the conspiracy without much detail the comments section has a massive amount of people speculating and adding their theories. It just shows how such a simple idea can spark of a huge amount of interest in it's followers and rely simply on that.


Finally, Compelling Evidence that Keanu Reeves is Immortal
By Peter Hall

This source is important to our look into the Keanu Reeves is Immortal theory that has been stated above because it is a solid overview of the conspiracy. It shows the famous video that started it all and a photo comparing Keanu to a younger version of himself. What makes this source important is that it states the top most popular theories to why he looks as if he has not aged a single bit from his earlier years to now. This source helps take us from the single video that started it all to what has become of the conspiracy and what people have come to think of it.


Mysteries Surrounding Denver International Airport
News Flavor, February 14, 2009

This article provides a description of the conspiracies that thickly
surrounding the Denver International Airport (DIA). According to the article,
DIA was first built “incorrectly,” the five structures deemed entirely
lost. Instead of demolition, contractors built over their “mistake,”
leaving miles of “unused” underground space. Along with this
information, the author describes architecture, murals, floor markings,
and unusual sculptors to point out the suspicious nature of DIA. The conspiracy itself is to why these things have happened and exists in a modern airport today as no other airport has had this kind of construction and art such as the murals and markings before. It is the confusing origins of this airport that have lead a huge conspiracy into why they did this. The most popular conspiracy and the one we will look at is that a secret group called the New World Order is using this airport for some means unknown to us all. The
article also goes into detail about several plane “accidents,” linking
them directly to the conspiracy of the Denver International Airport.
The author does not however pinpoint an exact conclusion, leaving it
entirely up to the interpretation of the reader.

News Flavor is a site that is “journalism powered by journalists” according to the About
Us page, deeming this site to be professionally oriented and run. It is
the place to go for current events, entertainment, opinion, and much
more. When looking at the article itself, it is apparent that the author
is striving to achieve the value of transparency. Although this piece
is categorized as an opinion, the author uses outside sources, making
sure to clearly document them as well as provide links for the reader.


Denver Airport Conspiracy Theory: A Documentary
News and Views, July 21, 2009

These videos explain the eerie phenomenon of the Denver International
Airport. Through audio, video, and photography, this compilation
pinpoints the major suspicions with the DIA including symbols, murals,
and sculptors. Also, it points out the fact that the first five
buildings of the airport were buried due to “incompetence,” their usage
now hidden from the public entirely. Lastly, the video explains a plaque
that commemorates the New World Airport Commission, a supposal
government cooperation that does not actually exist. The video concludes
that this facility equates to the eventual implementation of the New
World Order, pointing out the suspected involvement of the DIA in the

Metcafe, one of the world’s largest video sites, is not like every other video sharing and hosting system. According to their
About Us page, the videos undergo constant screening based on specific
criteria that ensures the accuracy and audience value of each video.

Relevancy of materials to group project: Because of the inherent nature of
conspiracy theories, information tends to be produced by
non-professional sources who utilize social networking. In both the
video and the article this is entirely the case, backing up our claim
that conspiracy theories are circulated and evolve through social